* jQuery Plugin: Sticky Tabs
* @author Aidan Lister
* adapted by Ruben Arslan to activate parent tabs too
* http://www.aidanlister.com/2014/03/persisting-the-tab-state-in-bootstrap/
(function($) {
"use strict";
$.fn.rmarkdownStickyTabs = function() {
var context = this;
// Show the tab corresponding with the hash in the URL, or the first tab
var showStuffFromHash = function() {
var hash = window.location.hash;
var selector = hash ? 'a[href="' + hash + '"]' : 'li.active > a';
var $selector = $(selector, context);
if($selector.data('toggle') === "tab") {
// walk up the ancestors of this element, show any hidden tabs
$selector.parents('.section.tabset').each(function(i, elm) {
var link = $('a[href="#' + $(elm).attr('id') + '"]');
if(link.data('toggle') === "tab") {
// Set the correct tab when the page loads
// Set the correct tab when a user uses their back/forward button
$(window).on('hashchange', function() {
// Change the URL when tabs are clicked
$('a', context).on('click', function(e) {
history.pushState(null, null, this.href);
return this;
window.buildTabsets = function(tocID) {
// build a tabset from a section div with the .tabset class
function buildTabset(tabset) {
// check for fade and pills options
var fade = tabset.hasClass("tabset-fade");
var pills = tabset.hasClass("tabset-pills");
var navClass = pills ? "nav-pills" : "nav-tabs";
// determine the heading level of the tabset and tabs
var match = tabset.attr('class').match(/level(\d) /);
if (match === null)
var tabsetLevel = Number(match[1]);
var tabLevel = tabsetLevel + 1;
// find all subheadings immediately below
var tabs = tabset.find("div.section.level" + tabLevel);
if (!tabs.length)
// create tablist and tab-content elements
var tabList = $('
var tabContent = $('
// build the tabset
var activeTab = 0;
tabs.each(function(i) {
// get the tab div
var tab = $(tabs[i]);
// get the id then sanitize it for use with bootstrap tabs
var id = tab.attr('id');
// see if this is marked as the active tab
if (tab.hasClass('active'))
activeTab = i;
// remove any table of contents entries associated with
// this ID (since we'll be removing the heading element)
$("div#" + tocID + " li a[href='#" + id + "']").parent().remove();
// sanitize the id for use with bootstrap tabs
id = id.replace(/[.\/?&!#<>]/g, '').replace(/\s/g, '_');
tab.attr('id', id);
// get the heading element within it, grab it's text, then remove it
var heading = tab.find('h' + tabLevel + ':first');
var headingText = heading.html();
// build and append the tab list item
var a = $('' + headingText + '');
a.attr('href', '#' + id);
a.attr('aria-controls', id);
var li = $('
// set it's attributes
tab.attr('role', 'tabpanel');
if (fade)
// move it into the tab content div
// set active tab
var active = $(tabContent.children('div.section')[activeTab]);
if (fade)
if (tabset.hasClass("tabset-sticky"))
// convert section divs with the .tabset class to tabsets
var tabsets = $("div.section.tabset");
tabsets.each(function(i) {
前回(保護犬・保護猫・保護動物のデータ解析その5)の続きです。 今回は、logistic regression、random forest、gradient boost machineを使って各要素の重要度を算出したいと思います。
logistic regressionは、理解しやすさが高いので採用します。 ramdom forestとgradient boost machineは、高精度かつ各要素の重要度を算出できるので採用です。 重要度を算出するためにvarImpという関数を使いますが、これの説明見ると他のモデルでも要素の重要度を計測できるようですね。
df <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\shelter\\Austin_Animal_Center_Outcomes.csv")
df$Outcome.Type <- ifelse(df$Outcome.Type=="Adoption","1","0")
df_year <- df %>% filter(str_detect(df$Age.upon.Outcome,"year"))
df_year$Age.upon.Outcome <- str_remove(df_year$Age.upon.Outcome, "years")
df_year$Age.upon.Outcome <- str_remove(df_year$Age.upon.Outcome, "year")
df_year$Age.upon.Outcome <- str_trim(df_year$Age.upon.Outcome, side = "both")
df_year <- df_year %>% filter(Age.upon.Outcome > 0)
df_week <- df %>% filter(str_detect(df$Age.upon.Outcome,"week"))
df_week$Age.upon.Outcome <- 0.5
df_day <- df %>% filter(str_detect(df$Age.upon.Outcome,"day"))
df_day$Age.upon.Outcome <- 0.5
df_age <- rbind(df_year,df_week,df_day)
df2 <- df_age %>% select(Outcome.Type, #譲渡か否か
Animal.Type, #動物種(犬猫その他)
Sex.upon.Outcome, #性別・避妊去勢
Age.upon.Outcome, #顛末時の年齢
Breed) #ブリード
df_dog <- df2 %>% filter(Animal.Type=="Dog") %>% select(-Animal.Type)
df_cat <- df2 %>% filter(Animal.Type=="Cat") %>% select(-Animal.Type)
Breeddf_dog <- as.data.frame(table(df_dog$Breed))
Breeddf_dog <- Breeddf_dog %>% arrange(-Freq)
top10_dog <- Breeddf_dog[1:10,]
dog <- df_dog %>%
filter(Breed %in% top10_dog[,1])
dog_10000 <- dog[1:10000,]
colnames(dog_10000) <- c("adopted","sex","years_old","breed")
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(4)
logistic regression
logistci regressionをする際には、outcome variable は、factorにしないといけないので、as.factorを使います。glmの機能でlogistic regressionをを実施するため、family=binomialにします。
dog_10000_glm <- dog_10000
dog_10000_glm$adopted <- as.factor(dog_10000_glm$adopted)
## 'data.frame': 10000 obs. of 4 variables:
## $ adopted : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 ...
## $ sex : chr "Neutered Male" "Spayed Female" "Neutered Male" "Neutered Male" ...
## $ years_old: chr "1" "7" "9" "10" ...
## $ breed : chr "Chihuahua Shorthair Mix" "Chihuahua Shorthair Mix" "Chihuahua Shorthair Mix" "Chihuahua Shorthair" ...
元々1 → 2
元々2 → 1
## 'data.frame': 10000 obs. of 4 variables:
## $ adopted : chr "1" "1" "1" "1" ...
## $ sex : chr "Neutered Male" "Spayed Female" "Neutered Male" "Neutered Male" ...
## $ years_old: chr "1" "7" "9" "10" ...
## $ breed : chr "Chihuahua Shorthair Mix" "Chihuahua Shorthair Mix" "Chihuahua Shorthair Mix" "Chihuahua Shorthair" ...
lg <- glm(adopted~.,
data = dog_10000_glm,
family = binomial)
## Call:
## glm(formula = adopted ~ ., family = binomial, data = dog_10000_glm)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.6754 -1.0384 -0.2869 1.0223 3.1983
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -1.988496 0.180524 -11.015 < 2e-16 ***
## sexIntact Male -0.228728 0.208955 -1.095 0.273679
## sexNeutered Male 2.893016 0.146005 19.815 < 2e-16 ***
## sexSpayed Female 3.109894 0.146896 21.171 < 2e-16 ***
## sexUnknown -10.597071 128.892699 -0.082 0.934475
## years_old10 -1.177969 0.157211 -7.493 6.74e-14 ***
## years_old11 -1.603682 0.267321 -5.999 1.98e-09 ***
## years_old12 -1.581002 0.237628 -6.653 2.87e-11 ***
## years_old13 -1.399969 0.290736 -4.815 1.47e-06 ***
## years_old14 -1.505191 0.422715 -3.561 0.000370 ***
## years_old15 -1.621673 0.425063 -3.815 0.000136 ***
## years_old16 -2.578575 0.760982 -3.388 0.000703 ***
## years_old17 -2.813136 1.060666 -2.652 0.007996 **
## years_old18 -1.431239 1.227776 -1.166 0.243729
## years_old19 -14.157790 535.411172 -0.026 0.978904
## years_old2 -0.430819 0.061358 -7.021 2.20e-12 ***
## years_old24 -14.301775 535.411176 -0.027 0.978690
## years_old3 -0.809599 0.077003 -10.514 < 2e-16 ***
## years_old4 -0.976409 0.094819 -10.298 < 2e-16 ***
## years_old5 -0.977289 0.096212 -10.158 < 2e-16 ***
## years_old6 -1.205447 0.110551 -10.904 < 2e-16 ***
## years_old7 -1.262485 0.127869 -9.873 < 2e-16 ***
## years_old8 -0.829825 0.128573 -6.454 1.09e-10 ***
## years_old9 -1.237510 0.168833 -7.330 2.30e-13 ***
## breedBoxer Mix -0.500577 0.165874 -3.018 0.002546 **
## breedChihuahua Shorthair -0.003021 0.170801 -0.018 0.985890
## breedChihuahua Shorthair Mix -0.312797 0.120086 -2.605 0.009193 **
## breedDachshund Mix -0.370085 0.161104 -2.297 0.021608 *
## breedGerman Shepherd Mix -0.168811 0.133930 -1.260 0.207510
## breedLabrador Retriever Mix -0.425458 0.121774 -3.494 0.000476 ***
## breedMiniature Poodle Mix -0.571329 0.161441 -3.539 0.000402 ***
## breedPit Bull -0.427695 0.159248 -2.686 0.007237 **
## breedPit Bull Mix -0.528144 0.117433 -4.497 6.88e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 13560 on 9999 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 11365 on 9967 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 11431
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 12
log odds = ax1 + ax2 + ax3 …
\[ 確率 = \frac{1}{1+e^-logodds}\ \] これはsigmoid functionで、0から1の間の確率を生み出します。以下を見てみましょう。
logodds <- seq(-10,10,length=1000)
probability <- 1/(1+exp(-logodds))
as.data.frame(cbind(logodds, probability)) %>%
coefficient <- as.data.frame(coef(lg))
coefficient <- coefficient %>% arrange(-`coef(lg)`)
## coef(lg)
## sexSpayed Female 3.109894093
## sexNeutered Male 2.893016073
## breedChihuahua Shorthair -0.003020574
## breedGerman Shepherd Mix -0.168811494
## sexIntact Male -0.228727903
## breedChihuahua Shorthair Mix -0.312796750
1位Spayed female 3.1
2位Neutered male 2.9
3位チワワショートヘア -0.003
同じ変数内では、dummy codingによって1つの基準カテゴリーが決められています。そのため、1つの基準カテゴリーのcoeffientが表示されていないことに注意です。
coefficient <- coefficient %>% arrange(`coef(lg)`)
## coef(lg)
## years_old24 -14.301775
## years_old19 -14.157790
## sexUnknown -10.597071
## years_old17 -2.813136
## years_old16 -2.578575
## (Intercept) -1.988496
Random Forest
random forestはcaretというパッケージで実施できます。このパッケージは色々な寄せ集めで、gradient boost machineもできます。
caretというパッケージを使う際に、色々きかれます。random forestをする際には、e1071をインストールするように促されたので追加でインストールしました。gbmの際には、パッケージがパッケージが必要だけどインストールしますか、と聞かれたのでyesにしたら自動でインストールしてくれました。
今回は予測するわけではないので、training, validation, test setにデータを分けずに全部モデルに読み込ませます。10000データセットだと、時間がかかりすぎてしまうので、サイズを減らします。
dog_1000 <- dog_10000[1:1000,]
train.rf <- train(adopted~., dog_1000, method="rf", importance=TRUE)
varImp.rf <- varImp(train.rf)
plot(varImp.rf, top=20)
避妊去勢が重要だと分かりました。年齢も、重要だと分かりましたが、logistic regressionの結果から、譲渡にはマイナスの方向で働くと思われます。
Gradient Boost Machine
random forestに比べて圧倒的に早い!
train.gbm <- train(adopted~., dog_10000, method="gbm")
## Iter TrainDeviance ValidDeviance StepSize Improve
## 1 1.3287 nan 0.1000 0.0132
## 2 1.3065 nan 0.1000 0.0109
## 3 1.2886 nan 0.1000 0.0090
## 4 1.2733 nan 0.1000 0.0075
## 5 1.2601 nan 0.1000 0.0066
## 6 1.2489 nan 0.1000 0.0056
## 7 1.2429 nan 0.1000 0.0031
## 8 1.2339 nan 0.1000 0.0042
## 9 1.2292 nan 0.1000 0.0021
## 10 1.2251 nan 0.1000 0.0018
## 20 1.1990 nan 0.1000 0.0002
## 40 1.1704 nan 0.1000 0.0000
## 60 1.1586 nan 0.1000 0.0001
## 80 1.1508 nan 0.1000 0.0000
## 100 1.1460 nan 0.1000 -0.0000
## 120 1.1432 nan 0.1000 -0.0002
## 140 1.1403 nan 0.1000 -0.0001
## 150 1.1391 nan 0.1000 -0.0001
varImp.gbm <- varImp(train.gbm)
varImp.gbm <- varImp(train.gbm)
Error in relative.influence(object, n.trees = numTrees) : could not find function “relative.influence”
varImp.gbm <- varImp(train.gbm)
plot(varImp.rf, top=20)
randomforest とほぼ同じです。避妊メスが一番重要のようです。
ロジスティック回帰分析でもvarImpが使えるので、重要度を計算したいと思います。重要度は、t値の絶対値とされています。t値は、coefficient/Std. Errorで計算されます。t値は、summary(glmモデル)で出てくる、z valueと同じ値のようです。なぜこれが重要度かというと、そのcoefficientが大きく揺らぐかどうかの指標になるからです。ゆらぎ(standard error)が係数と同じくらいの数値だと、z valueは1に近づきます。そうすると、P valueが大きくなります。p valueは、係数が0ではないことの確率です。z値が大きければどんなケースでも、その係数が効いているという指標になるわけです。
## Call:
## glm(formula = adopted ~ ., family = binomial, data = dog_10000_glm)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.6754 -1.0384 -0.2869 1.0223 3.1983
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -1.988496 0.180524 -11.015 < 2e-16 ***
## sexIntact Male -0.228728 0.208955 -1.095 0.273679
## sexNeutered Male 2.893016 0.146005 19.815 < 2e-16 ***
## sexSpayed Female 3.109894 0.146896 21.171 < 2e-16 ***
## sexUnknown -10.597071 128.892699 -0.082 0.934475
## years_old10 -1.177969 0.157211 -7.493 6.74e-14 ***
## years_old11 -1.603682 0.267321 -5.999 1.98e-09 ***
## years_old12 -1.581002 0.237628 -6.653 2.87e-11 ***
## years_old13 -1.399969 0.290736 -4.815 1.47e-06 ***
## years_old14 -1.505191 0.422715 -3.561 0.000370 ***
## years_old15 -1.621673 0.425063 -3.815 0.000136 ***
## years_old16 -2.578575 0.760982 -3.388 0.000703 ***
## years_old17 -2.813136 1.060666 -2.652 0.007996 **
## years_old18 -1.431239 1.227776 -1.166 0.243729
## years_old19 -14.157790 535.411172 -0.026 0.978904
## years_old2 -0.430819 0.061358 -7.021 2.20e-12 ***
## years_old24 -14.301775 535.411176 -0.027 0.978690
## years_old3 -0.809599 0.077003 -10.514 < 2e-16 ***
## years_old4 -0.976409 0.094819 -10.298 < 2e-16 ***
## years_old5 -0.977289 0.096212 -10.158 < 2e-16 ***
## years_old6 -1.205447 0.110551 -10.904 < 2e-16 ***
## years_old7 -1.262485 0.127869 -9.873 < 2e-16 ***
## years_old8 -0.829825 0.128573 -6.454 1.09e-10 ***
## years_old9 -1.237510 0.168833 -7.330 2.30e-13 ***
## breedBoxer Mix -0.500577 0.165874 -3.018 0.002546 **
## breedChihuahua Shorthair -0.003021 0.170801 -0.018 0.985890
## breedChihuahua Shorthair Mix -0.312797 0.120086 -2.605 0.009193 **
## breedDachshund Mix -0.370085 0.161104 -2.297 0.021608 *
## breedGerman Shepherd Mix -0.168811 0.133930 -1.260 0.207510
## breedLabrador Retriever Mix -0.425458 0.121774 -3.494 0.000476 ***
## breedMiniature Poodle Mix -0.571329 0.161441 -3.539 0.000402 ***
## breedPit Bull -0.427695 0.159248 -2.686 0.007237 **
## breedPit Bull Mix -0.528144 0.117433 -4.497 6.88e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 13560 on 9999 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 11365 on 9967 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 11431
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 12
varImp.lg <- varImp(lg)
うまくプロットできないです。stack overflowでしらべたところggplot2を使えばプロットできるようです。
ggplot(data= varImp.lg, aes(x=rownames(varImp.lg),y=Overall)) +
geom_bar(position="dodge",stat="identity",width = 0, color = "black") +
coord_flip() + geom_point(color='skyblue') + xlab(" Importance Score")+
ggtitle("Variable Importance") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = 'black'))
Breeddf_cat <- as.data.frame(table(df_cat$Breed))
Breeddf_cat <- Breeddf_cat %>% arrange(-Freq)
top10_cat <- Breeddf_cat[1:10,]
cat <- df_cat %>%
filter(Breed %in% top10_cat[,1])
cat_10000 <- cat[1:10000,]
colnames(cat_10000) <- c("adopted","sex","years_old","breed")
logistic regression
cat_10000_glm <- cat_10000
cat_10000_glm$adopted <- as.factor(cat_10000_glm$adopted)
lg_cat <- glm(adopted~.,
data = cat_10000_glm,
family = binomial)
coefficient_cat <- as.data.frame(coef(lg_cat))
coefficient_cat <- coefficient_cat %>% arrange(-`coef(lg_cat)`)
## coef(lg_cat)
## sexSpayed Female 4.5255238
## sexNeutered Male 4.1514348
## breedSnowshoe Mix 0.5764071
## breedSiamese 0.4003164
## breedDomestic Longhair 0.3720200
## breedDomestic Medium Hair 0.2695411
1位Spayed female 4.5
2位Neutered male 4.1
3位Snow shoe mix 0.5
coefficient_cat <- coefficient_cat %>% arrange(`coef(lg_cat)`)
## coef(lg_cat)
## years_old22 -17.560209
## years_old20 -16.661112
## sexUnknown -13.166468
## (Intercept) -4.179621
## years_old19 -1.802686
## years_old17 -1.321207
varImp <- varImp(lg_cat)
ggplot(data= varImp, aes(x=rownames(varImp),y=Overall)) +
geom_bar(position="dodge",stat="identity",width = 0, color = "black") +
coord_flip() + geom_point(color='skyblue') + xlab(" Importance Score")+
ggtitle("Variable Importance") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = 'black'))
Random Forest
cat_1000 <- cat_10000[1:1000,]
train.rf <- train(adopted~., cat_1000, method="rf", importance=TRUE)
varImp.rf <- varImp(train.rf)
plot(varImp.rf, top=20)
Gradient Boost Machine
train.gbm <- train(adopted~., cat_10000, method="gbm")
## Iter TrainDeviance ValidDeviance StepSize Improve
## 1 1.2358 nan 0.1000 0.0202
## 2 1.2031 nan 0.1000 0.0170
## 3 1.1737 nan 0.1000 0.0142
## 4 1.1493 nan 0.1000 0.0120
## 5 1.1288 nan 0.1000 0.0100
## 6 1.1109 nan 0.1000 0.0085
## 7 1.0954 nan 0.1000 0.0075
## 8 1.0825 nan 0.1000 0.0065
## 9 1.0709 nan 0.1000 0.0056
## 10 1.0609 nan 0.1000 0.0048
## 20 1.0103 nan 0.1000 0.0013
## 40 0.9956 nan 0.1000 0.0005
## 60 0.9912 nan 0.1000 -0.0002
## 80 0.9884 nan 0.1000 -0.0002
## 100 0.9868 nan 0.1000 -0.0003
varImp.gbm <- varImp(train.gbm)
plot(varImp.rf, top=20)
// add bootstrap table styles to pandoc tables
function bootstrapStylePandocTables() {
$('tr.odd').parent('tbody').parent('table').addClass('table table-condensed');
$(document).ready(function () {